The newly appointed employees of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs set to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

The newly appointed employees of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs set to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

600 newly appointed employees of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs and employees who have not received the first and second booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are scheduled to be vaccinated by the health and technical vaccination team of the Ministry of Public Health of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with the coordination of the General Management of the Communication of employees of the Human Resources Directorate.

Today, 10 February 2024- The COVID-19 vaccine implementation program for the employees of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs kicked off during a special ceremony.

At the outset, Nek Muhammad Nekmal, Deputy Director for Human Resources of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs welcomed the health team of the Ministry of Public Health and the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine for the employees of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs and he underscored that the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs is ready for all kinds of cooperation in the implementation of COVID-19 vaccine for the newly appointed employees and the employees who weren't been able to receive it before due to their busy schedule.

It is worth mentioning that the COVID-19 vaccination program for the employees of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs will last for three days and according to the vaccination officials of the Public Health Ministry, this vaccine which is being applied for the employees is one of the best COVID-19 vaccines that is used in most countries.