General Directorate of Municipalities Signs Memorandums Of Understanding (MOU) with two organizations

General Directorate of Municipalities Signs Memorandums Of Understanding (MOU) with two organizations

Today, Sept 19th, 2023- The General Directorate of Municipalities signed memorandums of understanding with the Afghan Literacy Organization (ALO) and Community Driven Development Organization (CDDO).

The meeting in this regard was held in the meeting hall of the General Directorate of Municipalities, commenced with the recitation of Holy Quran, followed by preliminary speech of Mufti Muhammad Yaqoob Sharafat, director of Urban Governance, based on the agenda.

Mr. Sharafat applauded these organizations for working for the well-being and prosperity of their countrymen in such difficult conditions.
Moreover, he assured all kinds of cooperation and requested to carry out the aid distribution series in a transparent manner.

Subsequently, Haji Agha Lali Amiri, Chairman of Afghan Literacy Organization (ALO), stated in his speech that his organization operates in the south of the country, and according to him, it helps the people of these provinces with cash and food items in exchange for work. He added that through this project, 1490 needy families in the 9th, 10th and 14th districts of Kandahar city will receive cash and food aid worth 76 million AFNs.

In the meantime, the General Directorate of Municipalities signed another memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), based on which the said organization will provide 154 million AFNs cash aid to the needy people in Khost province.

Nabiullah Azimi, the chairman of the above mentioned organization, thanked the Islamic Emirate for their cooperation and support of their activities and promised to expand their activities.

The meeting concluded with a prayer for goodwill.