The bid opening for the project involving 78 unit spare parts and generator filters for DABS was conducted

The bid opening for the project involving 78 unit spare parts and generator filters for DABS was conducted

On August 10, 2024, the National Procurement Directorate (NPD) of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs conducted the bid-opening meeting for the project of the procurement of 78 unit spare parts and filters for generators required by DABS (Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat), in the presence of the bid-opening panel and several representatives from bidding companies in the conference hall of the directorate.

During the meeting, Mawlavi Mahmadullah Mohammadi, the Technical Deputy for NPD, expressed gratitude for the participation of the company representatives. He encouraged them to consider the prosperity of this world and the hereafter in their activities and to serve the country well.

The Technical Deputy emphasized that honesty and sincerity in project implementation bring goodness and blessings to business. He also highlighted the importance of intention in actions, stating that obtaining a halal livelihood requires correcting intentions.

The meeting, which started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, concluded with a prayer for goodwill.