National Procurement Directorate conducted the bid-opening of 7 items of fresh fruits required for the Afghan National Army

National Procurement Directorate conducted the bid-opening of 7 items of fresh fruits required for the Afghan National Army

Feb 21, 2023- The National Procurement Directorate of General Directorate of Administrative Affairs conducted the bid-opening of the procurement project of 7 items of fresh fruits required for the year 1403 AH for Afghan National Army of Defense Ministry, in the attendance of the bid-opening committee, and the representatives of 22 bidding companies in the hall of this directorate.

At the outset of this meeting, Mawlavi Feroz Khan, National Economy and Infrastructure Director of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs expressed his gratitude for the participation of the bidding companies and said that companies should implement the project in the best possible way and assign work to the capable ones.

Furthermore, the Director of National Economy and Infrastructure assured the participants about the transparency of the bid-opening meetings and asked the companies to perform their activities sincerely and take into account the national interest during the implementation of the projects.