The Investment Facilitation Director Met Officials Of Khan Steel Factory

The Investment Facilitation Director Met Officials Of Khan Steel Factory

Jan 24, 2023- The Investment Facilitation Director of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, Engineer Ahmad Zia Khalid alongside the technical officials of this directorate met with the officials of Khan Steel Iron Melting Factory and visited the work progress of this factory.

During this meeting, Khan Muhammad Wardag, head of the above-mentioned factory expressed his happiness for the visit of the Director and Technical Team of the Investment Facilitation Directorate and provided information about the factory.

Mr. Wardag added that we mainly focus on the trust of the people and the quality of the products, and we assure you that our products are standard.

Meanwhile, Engineer Ahmad Zia Khalid emphasized supporting the investors and assured them that he will solve their problems.

He also added that the doors of the Investment Facilitation Directorate of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs are open to the traders and they can share their problems with us anytime.

According to the officials of this factory, around 700 workers are employed in this factory and produce 400 tons of steel daily.
Additionally, they mentioned the lack of raw materials, electricity, and not having authority over minerals as the main problems of this factory.