Cultural And Social Affairs Director Visited Azadi Print House

Cultural And Social Affairs Director Visited Azadi Print House

Jan 24, 2023- The Cultural and Social Affairs Director of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada undertook a visit to the Azadi Print House.

During this visit, he engaged with the Director of the Azadi Print House, Mawlavi Abdurrahman Agha Hashimi and heard the information and issues about this press.

Mawlavi Abdurrahman Agha Hashimi, while providing information about the activities of the print house, said that besides printing the necessary materials of the Emirate and Non-Emirate agencies, this print house gives priority to the prints of the copies of Quran and other religious books and added that they are trying to provide more services to the community in this field.

Afterward, the Cultural and Social Affairs Director closely visited various parts of the press and told the officials to submit their basic requests to the Cultural and Social Affairs Directorate of General Directorate of Administrative Affairs through the Ministry of Information and Culture so that they could be shared with the leadership of Islamic Emirate.

Shams Al Nehar Press, which was later renamed Azadi Print House in 1290 solar year, was the first printing house established in the reign of Amir Sher Ali Khan and it worked in the form of lithography. Now, in addition to printing Emirate newspapers, it offers other printing services nationwide for Emirate and Non-Emirate agencies.