The Round Session Of The Surface Water Management Of Kabul City, Convened

The Round Session Of The Surface Water Management Of Kabul City, Convened.

Jan 17, 2023- Based on the decision of the contract separation and filtration committee, the round session of the surface water management project of Kabul City was convened under the leadership of Mawlavi Muhammad Hanan Haqqani, the Legal, Legislative, and Judicial Affairs Director with the participation of relevant agencies in the meeting hall of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs.

During this meeting, the participants demonstrated the shortcomings of this project that occurred during the previous administration and discussed alternative ways to solve it.

In conclusion, Malwavi Muhammad Hanan Haqqani asked the representatives of the relevant agencies to gather their perspectives about the shortcomings of this project, so that can be presented to the H.E. Prime Minister's Office.

This meeting, which commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, ended with a prayer for goodwill.