A Coordination Meeting Was Held With The Heads Of The Offices Of All Emirate Agencies To Address The People's Problems

A Coordination Meeting Was Held With The Heads Of The Offices Of All Emirate Agencies To Address The People's Problems

Jan 14, 2023- The Cultural and Social Affairs Directorate of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs held a coordination meeting with all the directors of the offices of Emirate's ministries and agencies in order to develop public services and address people's problems.

This meeting was held at the conference hall of the General Directorate with the participation of the directors of the offices of all Emirate's ministries and agencies, where they talked about various topics.

To kick off the meeting, Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada, Director of Cultural and Social Affairs, said that even before the conquest in rough times the Islamic Emirate did not refrain from addressing people's problems and now the people's problems should be addressed in a better way and it needs a lot of work.

H.E. Akhundzada said that after the re-establishment of Islamic Emirate, the Cultural and Social Affairs Directorate has held nearly a hundred meetings with various sections of society and undertaken essential steps for addressing their problems, but according to him there is a need for speediness in solving the people's problems.

Afterward, the representatives of various ministries and agencies talked according to the agenda about the topics sent by the Cultural and Social Affairs Directorate and pledged to improve and develop the affairs.

During the meeting, comprehensive discussions were made and necessary decisions were undertaken about solving the problems of the people in the fields of courts, security precinct, identity cards, passports, higher education, health, education, endowments, refugees, electricity, widows and orphans, communication, municipality, agriculture, nomads and other related areas.

However, the directors of the offices of ministries and agencies shared their requirements in solving the above-mentioned problems and asked for help and cooperation from the authorities of Islamic Emirate, and were promised all kinds of assistance by the Cultural and Social Affairs Directorate.

The meeting, which began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, concluded with a prayer for goodwill.