Bid-Opening Meetings Are Carried Out With Full Transparency, Says Policy And Strategy Director

Bid-Opening Meetings Are Carried Out With Full Transparency, Says Policy And Strategy Director

Jan 8, 2023- The National Procurement Directorate (NPD) of General Directorate of Administrative Affairs conducted a bid-opening meeting of a project under the title of Supply, Installation, and Remaining Works of 220KV Ghazni, Kandahar OHL (Lot-2) related to the Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat, in the presence of the procurement committee and several bidders at the hall of this directorate.

Mawlavi Islamuddin Usmani, Director of Policy and Strategy of General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, who partook at this bid-opening meeting, expressed his gratitude for the participation of companies in bid-opening meetings and said that there is no issue in the procurement process of documents for the NPD and General Directorate of Administrative Affairs intends to carry out projects works transparently and faithfully.

Additionally, he added that IEA is trying to improve the country's economy, and companies can contribute to the growth and development of the country by taking part in development projects and bid-opening meetings.