The Cultural And Social Affairs Director Meets Scholars Of 18th, 19th, And 20th Districts Of Kabul City

The Cultural And Social Affairs Director Meets Scholars Of 18th, 19th, And 20th Districts Of Kabul City.

Jan 2, 2023- The Cultural and Social Affairs Director of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada met with the scholars of the 18th, 19th, and 20th districts of Kabul regarding their problems at the conference hall of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs.

To kick off the meeting, the Deputy Director of Cultural and Social Affairs, Mr. Noor Muhammad Haidari said to the attendees that Islamic Emirate is the common home of all Afghans and they all have equal rights in it.

During the meeting, the scholars of the afore-said districts mentioned the unavailability of electricity, non-registration of mosques, low salaries of Imams, as well as deficiency of servants and muezzin, and the construction of clinics, madrassas, and roads as the main problems of these districts.

Furthermore, the scholars called in their speeches the development of the curriculum of madrassa and publishing it in a standard format, as well as rehabilitation work of madrassas the responsibility of the Islamic Emirate and correspondingly requested the Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to pay special attention to the reformation of society.

Meanwhile, Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada after listening to the problems and suggestions of the scholars of the mentioned districts, assured them about their problems and pledged to share them with the relevant authorities.

This meeting which commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, concluded with a prayer for goodwill.