The Cultural And Social Affairs Director Meets Representatives Of Guldara District

The Cultural And Social Affairs Director Meets Representatives Of Guldara District


Dec 20th, 2023- The Cultural and Social Affairs Director of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada, held a meeting with the scholars, county representatives, and influential of Guldara District of Kabul at the compound of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs about their problems.

At the outset of the meeting, Deputy Director of Cultural and Social Affairs, Noor Muhammad Haidari welcomed the guests and said that Islamic Emirate is committed to addressing the problems of the people and so far, this directorate has held around 100 meetings in this regard and has shared the issues of the citizens with the relevant authorities of Islamic Emirate.

During the meeting, the representatives of the Guldara district expressed their satisfaction with the Islamic Emirate for facilitating face-to-face meetings and dealing with the people's problems.
The representatives added that during the last 20 years of jihad, they stood side by side with Islamic Emirate in the fight against invaders and will also stand with them in future.

Furthermore, they mentioned the absence of electricity, the uncleanness of canals, the non-existence of paved roads, and some other issues as the main problems of this district.
Meanwhile, they also made proposals about increasing the capacity of the district hospital and building a university, jihadi madrassa, and Mahipar dam.

Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhubdzada, while praising the sacrifices of the people of this district for the sovereignty of Islamic system, said that the victory of Islamic Emirate is made possible only because of the sacrifices of the people of the country and we are obliged to be grateful for this mighty victory.

Additionally, he assured the representatives of the above-mentioned district that he will share their problems and suggestions with the relevant authorities.

This meeting, which started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, concluded with a prayer for goodwill.