Deputy Director Of Social And Cultural Affairs Meets 12th And 13th Districts Scholars

Deputy Director Of Social And Cultural Affairs Meets 12th And 13th Districts Scholars

Dec 12th, 2023- The deputy director of Social and Cultural Affairs of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, H.E. Noor Muhammad Haidari held a meeting with the scholars of the 12th and 13th districts of Kabul regarding their problems.
The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran at the compound of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs.
During the meeting, Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Mawlavi Inayat Ur Rahman, said that we are pleased that an opportunity has been provided to us to serve under the umbrella of the Islamic system and to serve as a mediator between the people and the Emirate.
Meanwhile, the scholars at this meeting have requested identity cards, membership in village councils, the addition of posts for muezzins and servants in mosques, and the construction of standard houses for imams of mosques.
Furthermore, the scholars also mentioned the absence of electricity, the lack of classrooms in mosques, the unavailability of a single Islamic curriculum, and the reconstruction of some of the mosques as their basic problems.
H.E. Noor Muhammad Haidari, after listening to the problems of scholars, assured them of their solutions and promised them to share their problems with the relevant authorities.