The Social And Cultural Affairs Director Meets With Scholars And Representatives Of Paktia

The Social And Cultural Affairs Director Meets With Scholars And Representatives Of Paktia

The Social and Cultural Affairs Director of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, Al-haj Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada met with scholars, officials, ethnic elders, and influential of Sayid Karam District of Paktia.
This meeting was held at the compound of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs, where the representatives of the said district shared the problems of their region with Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada.
At the meeting, the representatives of the mentioned district spoke according to the agenda and mentioned some of the problems of their area and added that their people have fought hard against the invaders during the occupation period and now the time has come to pay attention to the rehabilitation of this area.
Additionally, they said that there are sufficient sources of water in the said area, and if utilized properly, it can play a major role in the greenness of the region.
Furthermore, they mentioned the lack of schools, madrassas, roads, hospitals, cold storages for fruits and vegetables, and markets to the Director of Social and Cultural Affairs.
Meanwhile, Mawlavi Muhammad Ishaq Akhundzada assured the representatives of the said district about their problems and told them that he will convey their problems and suggestions to the relevant authorities of the Islamic Emirate.