The Newly Appointed Directors Of The General Directorate of Administrative Affairs Were Introduced

The Newly Appointed Directors Of The General Directorate of Administrative Affairs Were Introduced

November 12, 2023- Based on the order of Esteemed Amirul-Momineen, the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs held an introduction ceremony for the newly appointed directors.

The ceremony was held at the compound of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs which commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Meanwhile, it was followed by the speech of Mawlavi Saifuddin Taieb, Deputy of Supervision and Policy of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs.

Honorable Taieb while addressing the participants of the ceremony wished good services to the newly appointed directors and advised officials regarding the obedience of the leadership and added that obedience is what made the Islamic Emirate victorious.

Furthermore, the newly appointed directors were introduced by Mawlavi Muhammad Sabir al-Musta'sim Billah, Financial and Administrative Deputy of the General Directorate of Administrative Affairs.

It should be said that based on the order of the Esteemed Amirul-Momineen, Sheikh Bismillah was appointed as the Director of Invitation and Guidance, Mufti Shahzada Noor, as the Director of Administrative Reforms and Civil Services, Mawlavi Naqeebullah Tariq, as the Director of Technical and Transport, Mawlavi Jamaludin Wahaj, as the Director of Supervision and Evaluation, Mawlavi Muhammad Sadiq Akif, as the Director of Cabinet Cohesion and Higher Commission, Mawlavi Noorul-Haq Jarir, as the Director of Human Resources, and Haji Abdul Qahir Feroz, as the Director of General Directorate of Municipalities.

Also, some of the newly introduced directors gave a speech and pledged that they will fulfill their responsibilities nicely.

The ceremony ended with a prayer for goodwill.