We must use this opportunity for the development of the country, says engineer Ahmad Zia Khalid

We must use this opportunity for the development of the country, says engineer Ahmad Zia Khalid

Today, Sept 26th, 2023- Director of Investment Facilitation of the General Directorate of Administrative Office held a meeting with the officials of the Public Health Ministry regarding the establishment of complexes along highways.

The meeting in this regard was held between the Investment Facilitation Directorate of General Directorate of Administrative Office and Road Safety Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works in the hall of Investment Facilitation Directorate, where they discussed the plan prepared for the construction of complexes along highways.

According to this plan, the construction of mosques, hospitals, stations and guest houses has been considered at specific positions of the country's highways, and the approval of the said plan was requested from the leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

During the meeting, Mawlavi Engineer Ahmad Zia Khalid, Investment Facilitation Director, thanked the Public Works Ministry for preparing the mentioned plan and added that Afghanistan has been ravaged by four decades of war and the current opportunity must be used for the development of the country.

Moreover, he assured the officials of the Ministry of Public Works for his cooperation in the implementation of the mentioned plan, and said that the issue will be submitted to the office of the Prime Minister for approval.

The meeting concluded with a prayer for goodwill.